1. Kids hate holding their fingers up in front of a hot fan or blow drier.
2. Kids love having pretty nails.
3. The first time you apply Jamberries to your little girls fingers, she WILL pick them off within 24 hours.
Never fear. Your hard work now will be rewarded later with hours and hours of deep mother daughter bonding that doesn't require a hefty fee to a nail professional to accomplish.
Sofia picked the first set off her nails within 24 hours. The second set I applied lasted a full week.
We went with the watermelon and stripe combo, now retired, for our first juniors. They are adorable! I'm going to order some of the Halloween themed junior wraps ASAP so we can be ready for fright night in style.
I'm semi-obsessed with this one (Bright Imagination) so it will be making an appearance on a kid's hand near me very soon.
Applying nail wraps to little tiny fingers is just like applying them to adult nails so take your time, put the Disney station on Pandora and go for it. As I mentioned, kids are not fans of the heater on their nails so get the wrap nice and hot before you apply it and press down firmly for a good seal. It's a little easier than doing it on your own nails because you have both hands to work with so you can work a little quicker and make good use of the wrap while it's still very warm.
This kid is serious about her Jamberries being perfect
Is it absolutely necessary to purchase separate Jamberry Juniors for my child?
No. I have successfully applied my regular sized wraps on my daughters several times and they came out great. You can get away with about 2 fingers of a full wrap if you're willing to do a tiny bit of shaping and cutting. Very thrifty.
This kid was chillaxing so well while she got her Jams done that she fell asleep. (Azure Rose, adult wrap).The only problem with putting my Jamberries on my kids? They won't sit still long enough for me to get a good close-up of them.
So check out my online store (www.fingernailfetish.jamberrynails.net)
and get some Jamberry Juniors or regulars to do with a little girl in your life. She will be thrilled and so will you.
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